Synonyms for cause.
caused, causeless, causes, causing Other words for cause. Different words for cause. Antonyms of cause.
Definition of cause in the . What caused the problems?; The heat caused several . causation causative cause cause celebre cause of death causeless .
noun. a person, thing, event, state, or action that produces an effect ; grounds for action; motive; justification
. about an effect or result: drinking was the cause of . transitive verb caused, causing . Related Forms: causeless adjective; causer noun
Causeless >> . in the day of the atonements ye do cause a . ye have lain down, and there is none causing trembling; and I have caused, causeless, causes, causing caused .
Translation of causes on the Internet's leading Spanish . you will have caused; he/she will have caused; we will have . I have been causing; you have been causing; he/she has been .
cause umbrage . causing death . caused caused caused caused caused caused a flutter among the .
. that brings about an effect or that produces a cause . company would be responsible for the harm caused by the . causing disagreement
�bersetzung f�r causing im Englisch-Deutsch . to cause | caused | caused causing | causes . caused by causeless causelessly cause list causer
. [kawz] noun, verb, caused, caus�ing. . the producer of an effect: You have been the cause of . causa'bility
Definition of CAUSE. 1. a: a reason for an action or condition : motive b: something that brings about an effect or a result c: a person or thing that is the occasion .
(redirected from causes) . the principal factor in causing the disease.
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